Syn­di­kat Ge­fähr­liche Lieb­schaf­ten (Leipzig)

Photo: Syndikat Gefährliche Liebschaften
Photo: Syndikat Gefährliche Liebschaften
Photo: Syndikat Gefährliche Liebschaften
Photo: Syndikat Gefährliche Liebschaften


“Syndicate” refers to a group of workers in the same industry who contribute to building society. With their work, Syndikat Gefährliche Liebschaften (Syndicate Dangerous Liaisons) want to make stories visible that invite you to change your perspective. To do this, they adapt cultural practices: exhibition, pop-up shop, dance ball, bike tour. Between honest interaction and steep assertion, their audience is seduced to take stand.
The group mainly works in Quakenbrück and Leipzig. They were invited to residencies at Schwankhalle Bremen, Haus am Wehrsteg (Heidelberg), Theaterlabor Bielefeld and Tokyo Wonder Site and developed knowledge formats for TRAFO and MKW NRW.

Freischwimmen project:

FLEISCHWELTEN (WT) is a barbecue party where guests and accomplices of the Syndicate meet and move from grill to grill between scenes and radio play situations. On the cooking grate: a research into peripheral places in Europa on the relationship between meat and masculinity. Dry practices for ideal marinating and the exchange of embers secrets are not about the question of what tastes good, but which communities are created by the grill masters. How is the animal treated, what is the reason for the meeting, who determines when the meat is good? FLEISCHWELTEN dares to grapple with stagings of gender in rural areas using regional grill cultures.


FREISCHWIMMEN enabled us to work on a production that could be toured across a variety of urban rooms: black box theaters, community centers, industrial halls, and old barns all became stages for us. We were able to use the multi-year support period to design a gradual process which would translate our research undertaken across many residencies into a stage performance. The piece required a developmental period of over one and a half years, which could only have been possible with FREISCHWIMMEN!


Invitations and residencies:


2022 LOFFT – The Theater, Leipzig
2022 Conference “Land{schaf(f)t}…”, Koblenz
2022 Schwankhalle, Bremen
2022 Seefelder Mühle/DGH, Seefeld
2022 Theater workshop, Quakenbrück
2022 Freischwimmen meets Rodeo, Munich
2022 heater wrede+, Oldenburg
2022 Theaterhaus, Hildesheim
2023 Fairground theater, Bostelwiebeck
2023 Theater Rampe, Stuttgart


2022 Schwankhalle, Bremen