Caroline Creutzburg (Frankfurt / Berlin)

Photo: Charlotte Pistorius
Photo: Charlotte Pistorius


Caroline Creutzburg, born in Berlin and raised at the Institute for Applied Theatre Studies in Giessen, Germany, initiates her own theatre projects such as the duo with object “Eine Pistole, ein Tanz, etwas aus Holz, das was kann” (A pistol, a dance, something made of wood that can do something) (in collaboration with S. Reble 2010), the distortion of the figure of the showmaster in “Seid gastfreundlich gegeneinander ohne Murren” (2013), the ensemble live radio show “B Open” (2014/15), the inventory of the self “Nerve Collection” (2016) and the terrestrial surface spectacle “WHAT ON EARTH” (2018). Her works pursue a persistent interest in simultaneously strong and open formal frameworks. Questions of the allegedly banal, of implicit forms of addressing and of the values of entertainment permeate her work.



Woman with Stones broadens the concept of drag with an entire pool of transformation fantasies. Hybrid figures enter the stage. In a bewitching confusion of fluid identities and materialities, their bodies are inhabited by divas and stones, changing from role to role between the poetic and the banal. In the joyful imitation of something one is not – or believes not to be – imaginary subjectivities unfold beyond mere gender order. What if nature herself wore drag?

A production by Caroline Creutzburg in co-production with Künstlerhaus Mousonturm Frankfurt and Fleetstreet Theater Hamburg. Supported by the Jürgen Ponto Foundation for the Promotion of Young Artists, the Kulturamt Frankfurt am Main, the Frauenreferat der Stadt Frankfurt, the Fonds Darstellende Künste and the Hessische Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst.

Woman with Stones premiered on 22 March 2019 at Mousonturm, Frankfurt.