Gruppe CIS (Stuttgart)

Picture Space as a service
Foto: Gruppe CIS
Picture shows Gruppe Cis
Foto: Gruppe CIS
Picture Space as a service
Foto: Gruppe CIS
Picture shows Gruppe Cis
Foto: Gruppe CIS


Gruppe CIS is a fluid collective and operates on an interdisciplinary basis and with different team members. The work takes place at the interfaces of film/video, theatre and performance and deals with social bodies in the field of tension between media/media settings of emotional-aesthetic emphases and their effects on body realities and social scenarios. Their previous works include ADONIS UND AMAZONE, a performative music video production (2014), THE LAND AFTER THE RAINBOW, Queer symposium/exhibition (2015), LOCKED IN, 10-channel video installation (2016) and DARK DAILY ROMANCE, an episode film (2017 – 2018).

Freischwimmen project:

STRESS – a sensual spectacle

Experience how the performance of life and world orders continues even in moments of great instability. Pressure mechanisms and feedback loops drive the show through the setting of a highly functional micro apartment. Will the neoliberal dream of optimizing life shatter at the unpredictable inertia of organic bodies that resist being uploaded into the cloud? A juicy, chaotic attempt.


STRESS – the screensaver put the sensual spectacle directly on the screen from 22.06. – 27.06.2021.

Sponsored by the Freie Tanz- und Theaterszene Stuttgart. By Gruppe CIS with Surja Ahmed, Sabrina Schray, Judith Engel, Levin Stadler, Justyna Koeke, Li Kemme, Peter Hauer, Leyla Gersbach.



Within the context of the FREISCHWIMMEN network, and with their enormous support, we were able to stimulate and hone our interest in the vectors that mark relationships with each other beyond shared identities and ideologies, and do the work of inventing common practices through which we ideally become a collective rather than a faction.


Invitations and residencies:


2023 Schwankhalle, Bremen